100% of proceeds of this candle will be donated to a local no-kill animal shelter.
So, a little back story. Sir Galahad was about 5 years old, and we've had him ever since he was a baby. He was absolutely our child; he was attached at the hip to us at all times. He traveled with us and loved to go on hikes and play. He truly was my best friend and had one hell of a personality you wouldn’t forget. (Maybe because he was also a little crazy lol)
Anyway, we started to notice him having issues with one of his eyes and didn't hesitate to bring him to the vet (which he is there more than not, even before all of this because he's also allergic to EVERYTHING)
Fast forward a few months, his eye started to change and cause him a ton of pain, so we got referred to one of the BEST veterinary specialists. We removed the eye and had it sent off to get tested, no one thought it would be cancer. Sure enough, the tests came back, and he was diagnosed with Retinal Lymphoma which is also EXTREMELY rare in animals and highly aggressive. Go figure. So, we decided to go through with treatment to see what would happen. After the eye removal surgery, we did chemo treatments all day long, an hour away every two weeks. Between juggling the optimalogy, oncology, dermatology departments and all of the at home care we were doing with him it was a full-time job just to care for him. We of course had our ups and downs but mostly things were looking up… until one day. His condition escalated so rapidly... literally within days the cancer spread to his brain. We did rescue chemo on him because he developed a limp and a skin issue. That was supposed to take effect almost immediately, but it did not. His limp turned into him being unable to walk at all... he would just lay there and every time he tried to walk; he would just fall over. It was so awful; he couldn't do anything without us carrying him. We later found out the skin condition that popped up was also Lymphoma... the specialists said this was only the beginning of his suffering because the cancer spread to his brain and there's really no coming back from that. We made the extremely hard decision to put him to sleep. It was the hardest thing we've ever done. But he's been such a good boy and has fought so hard. I am beyond heartbroken, but I do find peace in the fact he is no longer suffering. I want to thank every single one of you guys for such kind words, all the support and for ordering candles. You all are amazing. ❤
&& give your fur babies an extra kiss for me tonight.
That's why I wanted to create a candle to honor him and let his light shine bright in homes all over. It makes me so happy to see other enjoying this candle and they say a certain part of your brain is connected to certain smells. Although, it was an extremely stressful time when I first made these the scent reminds me of Galahad and his memory. I absolutely love these candles.
Artwork and label created by @dzignhaus_
Candle is 7 oz (the same size as our signature candles 4" tall and 3" diameter)
Scent description: A warm delight of smooth, velvety vanilla meets the sweet herbal goodness of soothing lavender in this charmingly frosty union of in-home comfort and outdoor wonder. Smokey-woodsy tonalities add beautiful complexity and alluring depths to this unique and fragrant affair.